STYLE | Princess Booker Launches “Nine Mile Clothing” Affiliate Program
STYLE | Princess Booker Launches “Nine Mile Clothing” Affiliate Program
London, UK (MPR CONSULTING) – In her entrepreneurial quest and mission to share the Nine Mile lifestyle brand with the world, Nine Mile Clothing CEO Princess Booker has officially launched her affiliate marketing program to provide revenue generating opportunities to individuals and businesses that want to generate online income full or part time.
The Nine Mile Affiliate Program offers a way to tap into the multi-billion dollar licensed clothing and accessories market. The Nine Mile lifestyle brand by Princess Booker is a versatile every-day streetwear line with ready-to-wear pieces for men, women and children that adapt to fit your unique lifestyle. It combines all the beautiful elements of Nine Mile: the happy peace, the freeness of spirit and the quiet fire that inspires all who visit its land. The brand delivers taste and style, with trendy, contemporary clothing that maintains the essence of the Caribbean with a message of love and positivity. Like the majestic Jamaican mountains, the clothing line blends the casual serenity of Nine Mile with bold, edgy designs.